CULTUREDMEAT, the most valued R&D project in all the areas of the CDTI’s MISSIONS call

The R+D project that will investigate the meat of the future destined to the prevention of colon cancer and dyslipemias –CULTUREDMEAT– is born under the umbrella of 8 partner entities and 10 research organizations, with the objective of achieving a more sustainable and healthy food sector.

In a world threatened by climate change, population growth is a challenge when it comes to combining food and sustainability. Therefore, cultivated meat is positioned as one of the greatest innovations of our century, integrating food safety, animal welfare and sustainability in a single product ideal for the whole family. Cultured meat is that which comes from the cultivation of animal muscle cells previously extracted by biopsy and which avoids animal sacrifice.
The general objective of the CULTUREDMEAT project is to research meat produced from cellular agriculture which, together with the development of healthy fats and functional ingredients, will allow the obtaining of meat products for the prevention of dyslipemias and colon cancer.
This project has been submitted to the call MISIONES of CDTI, a program aimed at supporting Strategic Sectoral Initiatives for Business Innovation within the framework of the State Program for Business Leadership in R+D+I of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017-2020.
Of a total of 128 proposals submitted, only 24 have been approved, with CULTUREDMEAT being the best evaluated in all areas of the call in Spain.



Currently, there are very few entities worldwide that are producing cultured meat. In all cases they are start-up companies that are eminently scientific but have not managed to overcome the barrier of production on a larger scale. Cultured meat production has aroused great interest in the industry and many investment funds are betting on this new strategy of meat production.

CULTUREDMEAT was born thanks to the cooperation of biotechnology companies specialized in nutrition and production technologies at a national level, such as Argal (project leader), Biotech Foods, Martínez Somalo, DMC Research, BDI Biotech, Neoalgae, BTSA and Agrowingdata. The consortium also has the collaboration of 10 research organizations (CTIC CITA, University of Oviedo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – FUAM, TECNALIA, Parc Científic de Barcelona, University of Seville – FIUS, VICOMTECH, University of Granada, BIODONOSTIA and CIC BIOMAGUNE) to carry out the development of the idea. On the other hand, ZABALA Innovation leads the management of the project thanks to its extensive experience in calls for R+D grants.


Benefits of cultured meat

The consumption of red meat (beef, pork, lamb, etc.) is associated with diseases of high prevalence in Western countries such as colon cancer and dyslipemias. Specifically, in Spain, colon cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in the population (if both sexes are taken into account). That is why research is needed on functional ingredients that can help prevent these diseases of high social impact related to the diet.

Do you like the idea? Keep the concept of “cultured meat” because it will become the revolution of the food industry!

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